When I think back to those restless baby nights, all I think about is the Merlin sleep suit and how it saved our family.

Even though we’ve moved out of that stage (hallelujah), the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is easily in my top five products to share with new moms (especially parents of multiples).

This product got my twins to sleep through the night at 12 weeks. Trust me when I say this is an absolute must-have!

In this honest review, I will share my experience with the Magic Sleepsuit and what I think other parents should know before purchasing it.

What is Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit?

Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is a patented sleep aid made out of velvety material to help babies transition from swaddling and prevent them from startling awake.

The idea behind the design is that it provides just the right amount of warmth and security to make a baby feel safe and secure, while also allowing them to move their arms and legs freely.

merlin sleep suit

Who Created the Merlin Sleepsuit?

The Merlin Sleep Suit was created by a mom and pediatric physical therapist, Maureen Howard. Like so many of us tired moms, she faced the challenge of getting her little one to sleep.

She realized her baby slept like a dream when cuddled or nestled in their car seat or stroller.

This sparked an idea in her.

She set out to recreate that cozy and secure feeling in the Merlin sleepsuit. And the results were incredible!

Not only did her children sleep better than ever, but her friends’ little ones also benefited from the Magic Sleepsuit.

Seeing the profound impact it had on their sleep and the happiness it brought to their parents, Maureen knew she had to share this product with the world.

In 2008, while expecting her fourth child, she officially launched sales of the Magic Merlin Sleepsuit.

Top Benefits of Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit

This magic suit offers numerous benefits that are worth highlighting.

Better sleep: Seems obvious, right? I can’t even express how many times I bought stuff on Amazon in a crazy, running-on-fumes mindset. I just wanted my babies to develop good sleep habits and in return let myself have a decent streak of shut-eye.

The sleepsuit provides a cozy and secure feeling that helps babies sleep for longer periods and wake up more rested. Happy babies = happy parents.

Ultimate Comfort: The body of the sleepsuit is made up of soft fabric that your baby will love. It seriously feels like a dream pillow.

This comfort, combined with the breathable material helps prevent overheating and lets your little one enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. Plus, it comes with a double zipper which allows for easy diaper changes.

Improved Development: Just like adults need quality sleep to maintain their health, babies need it too! Babies who get the rest they need are able to develop better cognitive skills and even enhance their moods.

twin sleep suit diaper changes

Best Features of Merlin Sleepsuit

Unlike traditional sleepwear, the Merlin Magic Sleepsuit provides a unique combination of features that make it a must-have for parents everywhere. A few of the best features include:

Patented Swaddle Transition Design

Designed to help babies transition out of swaddling while providing them with an enclosed feeling. This feature also helps prevent startle reflexes during sleep.

Safe Sleep Environment

The unique contoured shape helps provide your baby with a secure and safe sleep environment. It also helps to prevent them from rolling onto their tummy while sleeping, reducing the risk of SIDS.

Important to note, Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit was designed for back sleeping in the crib only.

Freedom of Movement

Although most babies can’t roll or move in the merlin sleepsuit, their hands are exposed. I know my boys loved self-soothing or sucking on their fingers often.

Plus, the suit has open feet that give those little toesies some extra wiggle room!

The scooped neckline allows for ultimate relaxation. I feel like some of those sleep sack zippers run right into their little neck rolls.

How much does Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit cost?

Is there truly a price for a good night’s sleep? Ha, seriously!

The pricing of the Magic Sleepsuit can vary from retailer to retailer. The average cost is around $40-$45. They also have a Baby Merlin’s Multi-room Bundle which includes two Magic Sleepsuits for $78.

You may be able to find a cheaper Merlin Sleepsuit in a local mom group on Facebook. However, I’d caution away from that. Despite being able to wash the fabric, I did find my boys drooled and milk-stained the hell out of theirs.

Merlin Sleep Suit on Amazon

Negative Feedback from Parents on the Merlin Sleepsuit

While the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit might seem like a miracle for parents struggling to get their little ones to sleep soundly through the night, it hasn’t been without its fair share of negative feedback.

Some parents have reported that their babies overheated while wearing the sleep suit, while others have noted that the bulkiness of the suit made their little ones uncomfortable.

Some babies even managed to wiggle their way out of the suit altogether, rendering it useless.

Additionally, some parents found that the suit was too expensive for what it was, especially since their baby quickly outgrew it.

While the Merlin Magic Sleep Suit might work wonders for some families, it’s important to consider these cons before investing in one for your own child.

My Personal Experience Using the Merlin Sleep Suit

Using the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit has been a total game-changer experience for me.

I’ve used this magic sleepsuit with all of my boys. Although I didn’t think there was much variance between the two, I wanted to break it out for one vs. two babies using it.

One Baby or Singleton Experience

In 2016, I was a first-time mom and had no real how-to manual for this sleep thing. I read the book, Babywise, and tried to follow healthy sleep habits for my son.

We were approaching three months and our favorite swaddle was starting to unfold. He’d bust his fingers out and wake himself up constantly.

After doing research online, I decided to give it a try for my son. I ordered the 3-6 month size and it arrived two days later (love Amazon Prime).

merlin magic suit for luke

The suit was pretty big for him, but that just meant he had room to grow.

To be transparent, he hated it at first. We tested a few naps with it, but he’d just cry. I didn’t want to give up, so we kept trying.

Then one day it just happened. We had a sleeping baby.

At four months old, he FINALLY slept through the night.

I truly believe magic occurred. We did transition him into a regular sleep sack around six months of age. He started to roll and that signaled to us, that it was time for our next transition product.

merlin sleep suit_luke 2

Twin Babies Experience

How do I get this kid to sleep?

It was one of the biggest questions prior to becoming pregnant. Then it happened, we had twins and a lot more questions.

How do I get TWO babies to sleep, at once?

Twin moms know that uncertainty oh so well.

Despite the panic of being a tired mom to now twin boys and a toddler, I knew we had to bust out the Merlin sleepsuit again. Our swaddle blankets were not cutting it anymore.

ann with twins in swaddle

Similar to Luke, I ordered another cream-colored 3-6 month-sized suit, around three months of age.

This time there was no waiting period or fussiness. We jumped right into the mess that is twins.

merlin magic suit

Shockingly, the twins adapted super well, and the golden ah-ha moment: they BOTH slept through the night with the suit around 12 weeks.

That is a whole month earlier than their older brother.

Diaper changes did get a little trickier with two, and the bedtime routine was always a hot mess. However, I truly believe baby Merlin’s magic suit was the saving grace!

Our Verdict on Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit

I am so thankful to have found such a wonderful tool that helped us adjust to our new life as parents of three. The magic sleepsuit aided our boys in sleeping through the night, and we were able to have better energy levels during the day as well.

It’s a safe, swaddle transition product that gives parents peace of mind their baby will sleep.

Not to mention, the design is simply hilarious; they look like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.

twin polaroid
Create Happier & Safer Sleep Moments For Your Family.

I absolutely recommend this baby product to any parent looking for a worry-free environment for their little one(s).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit legit?

Yes! Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is a legitimate, doctor-recommended sleep solution. It has been proven to help babies transition to sleeping in their own bed at night and for longer periods of time. The unique design of the suit simulates a swaddle while allowing baby freedom to move their legs and hips. This helps prevent the startle reflex, which can wake the baby in the middle of the night.

When do I start Using the Magic Sleepsuit?

The suit should only be used when the baby has outgrown the swaddle which is usually around 3 months of age.

When Do I Stop Using Baby Merlin Suit?

The Magic Sleepsuit should be used up until the time your baby begins to show signs of rolling over or pushing up, which is usually between 4-6 months.

What should I dress my baby in under the Magic Sleepsuit?

It is recommended to dress your baby in a lightweight, onesie or diaper. The company does not advise more than one layer of light cotton.

What is the recommended room temperature for the Magic Sleepsuit?

The suit should be used in a room at the AAP-recommended temperature for babies, which is on the cooler side.

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