I don’t do that many product reviews, but I felt like the world needed to know about the Uproot Clean pet tool. If you are like me and tired of dealing with endless pet hair, then this amazing tool can help you out!

We have a big, white dog named Duff. He’s great. I love labs so much, we adopted another one in December 2023. She’s the black lab cutie below.

dogs sitting on the couch

Although I am extremely loyal to labs, I’m not a fan of the copious amounts of shedding they produce. So, last April, I was totally fed up with trying to vacuum everything. I’m sure many of you can relate.

I hopped on Amazon, read a few reviews, and I spontaneously bought the Uproot Clean Pro tool.

And you know what? I’m really glad that I did, because it has seriously helped our house and furniture so much.

What is the Uproot Clean Tool?

The Uproot Clean Tool is a game-changer! It helps you get rid of all the hair from your pets that stick to furniture, carpets, and clothes. Consequently making your life so much easier than regular vacuums.

The product was born from two pet owners who were frustrated with their huskies’ fur taking over their carpets and furniture. They created a pet cleaning brush that featured a metal edge with special grooving. This unique feature allows the most embedded hair to come off without hurting the fabric.

In a nutshell, it’s magic.

uproot clean product


The Uproot Clean Tool retails for $29.99 but is often discounted via Amazon. Looking at camelcamelcamel.com, the average price that Amazon shoppers pay is around $20. I purchased my tool for around $24 and well worth the investment.

uproot clean price comparison on amazon

How to Use the Tool?

Using the Uproot Clean Tool is super easy! Just slide it along the surface of your couch, bed, or carpet in a gentle back-and-forth motion. Next, you’ll start seeing the embedded fur coming out right away. Once you’ve covered the whole area, simply grab the fur from inside the tool with your fingers and toss it away.

On their Amazon page, they feature lots of how-to videos and suggestions on how to use the product.

Did the Uproot Cleaner Actually Work?

Yes! I was shocked at how much fur the tool extracts from my couch. My Dyson vacuum cleaner just wasn’t doing the job so I decided to try something else. As I mentioned, I bought it at the beginning of April, and was delivered super fast via Prime.

amazon order page

Within days, I was on Instagram doing a story on this tool. I’m not usually a show-my-face-on-camera type gal, but I had to let my people know how effective this was.

instagram story of uproot clean

Our couch’s fabric traps Duff’s hair like no other. So when it came up in seconds, needless to say I was impressed.

Uproot Clean Pro Cleaner Benefits

If you struggle with hair from your cats or dogs, this product will be your best friend. Some key features include:

Effective Pet Hair Removal. It truly works, which is why it sits as the number two dog and cat hair removal product on Amazon. Pretty impressive, right?

Versatility: You can use it for various surfaces such as carpets, rugs, car  mats, couches, cat towers, pet beds, non-knitted furniture, carpeted  stairs, and any other non-knitted material that attracts pet hair

Ease to Use: This thing is super user-friendly, making pet hair removal a breeze and saving you loads of time. Plus, it’s weirdly satisfying to watch.

Amazon Availability: You can purchase it directly on Amazon for fast delivery & reliable service

Types of Hair to Use the Uproot Clean With

This product is for a variety of pet hair types, like short-haired cats, long-haired cats, small dogs, large dogs, and puppies. It works great on all varieties of fur!

Oh, and it totally works on human hair too! Just ask my bathroom rug when I’m done brushing my morning hair.

Where to Use the Uproot Clean Tool?

You can use the Uproot Clean tool pretty much anywhere in your home where you find pet hair. From carpets to couches, beds to stairs, and any other non-knitted material that attracts pet hair.

It’s also great for cleaning cars. We have a Honda Odyssey Mini Van (mom life, what up) and it cleans our mats really well.

Some materials to avoid when it comes to choosing fabrics are Berber fabric, which tends to attract and hold onto dirt and pet hair, and knitted fabric, which is prone to stretching and losing its shape over time. It’s best to opt for more durable and easy-to-maintain fabrics to ensure longevity and quality.

dog in car

Similar Tools like the Uproot Cleaner

So I opted for the Uproot Clean Pro, but the company does offer a wide variety of options.

If you didn’t want to get on your knees and you had a wider space to cover, you can always opt for the Xtra with a 60″ handle. I think that may work better for stairs too. Duff’s hair always gets trapped in those pesky corners.

comparison tools

Final Thoughts


Uproot Clean Pet Hair Remover

The Uproot Clean Pro is perfect for anyone who does not want to deal with dirt and pet hair every day. Use it once a week, and your area will be clean.

Trust me, I don’t usually write reviews unless something really impresses me. This tool is a total winner, you can’t go wrong with it!

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